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“The first wealth is health” – Ralph Waldo Emerson


It seems as though our focus in this country is financial wealth and we forget if we are not physically, emotionally and spiritually well, we can never reach our full potential in any area.  Why don’t we put our health first? We have become a society that focuses on treating illness rather than preventing it and this has resulted in chronic diseases, prescription medication use and healthcare bills skyrocketing over the last two decades. Taking back control of our health can be overwhelming when we are constantly bombarded with health claims that are often conflicting and unrealistic. We have been conditioned to no longer listen to our body’s cues and instead push ourselves to the limits with stressful work habits, lack of sleep and physical activity, drug and alcohol abuse, and poor diets.  Our bodies are incredible machines that are designed to be well and are capable of being well when given the proper care.

This wellness program will be a life-changing experience.  Participants will learn how to take back control of their health and happiness. We will meet as a group once a month for 2 hours for the duration of 8 months.  Making lifestyle changes takes time.  After each session, participants will have a new goal to work towards and will have 4 weeks to focus on this goal while having myself and the group to rely on for support when needed.  Allowing time between each session allows time for new habits to be established.  The end goal is a healthier and happier you!


Session I: Introductions, Goal Setting, Wellness Wheel

Introductions: We will take some time to get to know each other. Building connections will allow us to support each other through this wellness journey.

Goal Setting: Setting goals seems relatively easy, but adhering to them can be very challenging, especially in a society that is not surrounded by wellness. We will learn how to set attainable goals, adhere to them and be accountable for them.

Wellness Wheel – Creating a wellness wheel is an excellent way to see where things in our lives are out of balance.  We will each create our own wheel to use as a guide for goal setting throughout this course.

For individuals interested in weight loss, we will do an initial weigh-in and measurements. We will do this before each session.


Session II: Emotional and Spiritual Health

When addressing health concerns, we tend to focus heavily on our physical health unaware of how much our mental health plays a role in our overall health.  We live in a fast-paced and stressful environment that does not give us permission to address any emotional issues we may be having.  We suppress them and carry on with life and this can have traumatic consequences on our physical health.


Session III: Emotional and Spiritual Health Con’t

Yep, this is THAT important! We will continue to discuss ways to improve our mental/emotional health through Sound Healing, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Journaling, Tapping, Art/Music, Meditation, Prayer and Mindfulness.


Session IV: Physical Activity and Sleep

With technology changing so rapidly over the last 100 years, we have seen a dramatic decrease in physical activity.  Regular activity is linked to chronic disease prevention and overall improvement in mood. We will discuss simple ways to increase activity levels and what types of activities are appropriate for different lifestyles. Less than 30% of adults in America get adequate amounts of sleep. Proper sleep is imperative to our health.  We will discuss ways to improve sleep amount and quality and the importance of this.


Session V: Diet/Nutrition

Food is the foundation of every cell in our body.  What we eat creates us.  If we eat bad, we feel bad.  If we eat well, we feel well.  We will begin tapping into nutrition with keeping food journals, analyzing ingredients, micro nutrients, macro nutrients, calories and more. We are bombarded with ‘Diet’ Fads and new information continues to be seen in grocery stores so it can be difficult to determine which is right for you. We will discuss ‘intuitive eating’ and a proper diet designed for you specifically.


Session VI: Cooking Class

Cooking session! We will be learning simple healthy food prep and discuss balancing our eating habits. We will be eating what we make at this session!


Session VII: Diet/Nutrition – Grocery Store Tour

We will be starting this session at a grocery store and do a quick tour to discuss all the different options available! We will end the class in the café discussing Diet and Nutrition further.


Session VIII: Closing

At this session we will discuss our successes and make a plan for moving forward on our Wellness Journey. We will have open discussions for any questions/concerns.



When: The first Monday of the month for 8 months (with the exception of January):

               October 2nd, November 6th, December 4th, January 8th, February 5th, March 4th, April 1st, May 6th 

Time: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM

Location: Terra House 

                  25 Buffalo Street, Akron NY 14001

Tuition: $349/person (2 payments of $180 or 4 payments of $100 also accepted)

What is included in Tuition: Eight - 2 hour group sessions focusing on specific wellness areas

                                               Wellness Binder with print outs each week

                                               Weigh-ins and measurements for those interested in weight loss

                                               Individual Food Journal review 

                                               One - on - one support throughout the duration of the course

Register: By calling 716-418-6836 or by stopping in the Cafe

Established 2019

Akron, NY

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